We all heard that these days one of the top killers in the world is cancer. Alongside high cholesterol, insulin resistance and heart disease (other well-known top killers) doctors mostly blame it on genetics and bad diet, just some people are lucky not to get it. Is it a lottery then? While it’s hard to argue that diet plays a vital role in disease causation as well as prevention, genetic predisposition is not a death sentence. Most people are predisposed to having one or more of these issues or other yet unknown problems that are still to be identified with time as not everything kills you fast enough to be easily caught. I’d like to compare it to having a gun in the house - it can accidentally shoot someone to death if you keep it loaded in the open, with kids having easy access to it. No gun, while unloaded and securely locked in a safe will ever shoot. Same with genetics - don’t fuel the process with things that can make this bomb go off and it most likely never will. It’s your choice how much chance to give your genetics to kill you or even just make you age and lose the quality of life faster than you are supposed to.
Now, what are those things that can dramatically increase (or decrease) your chances of accidentally pull the trigger on one of your “guns”?
Diet is definitely one of the top contributors. While bad diet significantly increases the risk, a very healthy and carefully balanced diet loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and other things that we can’t even put our finger on, will not only prevent but sometimes even reverse the process, aging included. But even if your diet is absolutely on point, your risk is pretty high due to other factors that play a role as important as food.
Unfortunately, there is not enough information to identify and eliminate each and every harmful factor but does it mean we control nothing and do nothing as a result? For me, the decision was fairly easy. Basic course in statistics makes it was obvious that the more factors you exclude - the better your chances to stay healthy are and assuming that the most of top factors are known, I do like the odds.
So what are the biggest potentially controllable factors to consider for optimal results?
Chemical house cleaning supplies, laundry, and dish detergents. All these contain insane amounts of toxins, carcinogens, and allergens. Not all the effects are studied yet, but what we know is enough to ban them forever from your house. There are tons of natural alternatives, doing the job as efficiently as their chemical counterparts, with great natural smell and absolutely harmless. They might be more expensive, but your health deserves investment.
Drinking water. No bottled water for obvious reasons. Forget about Brita, it doesn’t do the job of removing the most dangerous water contaminants, and there are plenty of those. You definitely want to keep them out of your system and the only way is using expensive (sorry guys, unfortunately, these days healthy and expensive are words - synonyms) high-quality water filters like Berkey or something similar (only a few can really compete with Berkey in water quality so choose wisely).
Food quality. If you are on a plant-based diet you already avoided one of the biggest food-related contributors which are bio-accumulation of toxins and other chemicals. While it’s a step in the right direction, you can do better. Using predominantly natural, organic, non-GMO, if possible non-irradiated products will eliminate much of additional risk. I’d like to point out that even organic protein powder or even just rice still can be really harmful in the long run due to heavy metals that they can absorb directly from the soil. Accumulation in powders due to concentration increases the risk even more. Unfortunately, current standards for organic do not require testing for heavy metals so it’s your own responsibility to look for 3rd party tested products that don’t have dangerously high levels of them.
Personal hygienic products. I use only natural, preferably organic things on my skin and hair. Nothing containing SLS, or other chemicals. These things penetrate your skin going directly into your system and literally poisoning you. Use products with only plant-derived components as much as possible. Many of them work as well (if not better) than chemical ones. So far the only product that I wasn’t able to replace is the aluminum-containing deodorant. Even though there are plenty on the market, none of them did the job for me, especially not during long workouts. Since in our society it’s unacceptable to smell like sweat, for now, I have to stick to the poisonous one. I will report as soon as I find an efficient replacement.
Toilet paper, pads, and liners. Surprised? Don’t be. These things get in contact with your body parts with direct access to your insides and also have a liquid that acts as a solvent and transport of everything you don’t want inside your body with no filters whatsoever. Non-organic paper and cotton products are soaked with extremely harmful chemicals like Round-Up. Bidet isn’t a bad alternative for toilet paper, for everything else use organic products, there are many high-quality alternatives available.
Medications. I don’t even know where to start. There are no “innocent” harmless drugs. They don’t exist. Forget about it. Find a great homeopath. If you need a recommendation, contact me directly for details. I got rid of all medications that I was using, some of them over 20 years, and I got so much healthier!
Air pollution. If you live in a highly polluted area, for example in a big city, there is not much to do to completely eliminate this factor unless you can move to a less polluted area. However, you can reduce the exposure as much as possible. One of the most puzzling things to me is to see people “running for health” roadside. Doing cardio your lungs breather deep, filling your body with various toxins including extremely harmful heavy metals. Love running outside? Do it in a park. Don’t have access to a park, run inside. It might be less fun but much healthier for sure.
Industrial chemicals in the office. Very much like household cleaning supplies, but typically much stronger which also means much more harmful. There is not much to do to avoid it if you work in an office (like many of us do). The only way to counter it, or at least to try is by strengthening your immune system using homeopathy to help your body fight some of the effects. Obviously, if it’s up to you to work more from home, do it. The less time you spend in the office, the shorter your exposure is, the less damage your body sustains.
EMF. It’s hard to impossible to eliminate EMF from our lives. Just try to limit exposure as much as possible. Control what you can.
I’m pretty sure that the list is not complete so I will come back and update it as more information becomes available, but adopting the recommendations above with greatly reduce your risk and increase chances of staying healthy for longer and slow down aging.